Saunas have long been in place in luxury hotels, health spas and, of course, the homes of the wealthy. This is because of their perceived health benefits and the way they can help people with muscular problems or injuries to relax.

Home saunas are now more common and accessible than they have been in the past few decades and there are now three main kinds. The traditional sauna is an annexed off area made usually of wood which has a heater fuelled by electricity, gas, wood or even, in some cases, hot rocks. These traditional saunas are relaxing and can produce different kinds of heat, depending on the fuel used but are quite high-maintenance and costly to run. This is the iconic kind of sauna that most people think of when they are mentioned.

An infrared sauna can come in two forms. A far-infrared sauna utilises ceramic or metal in order to produce the required heat. This is done by the absorption of the heat produced through infrared energy. Lastly there is the infrared lamp sauna which uses incandescent infrared heat lamps to produce the require heat. One of the additional benefits of this kind of sauna is that you could also incorporate colour therapy into your environment; many believe that this use of different coloured light can help to address some health problems.

The overall health benefits of saunas are not necessarily proportional to their usage but this doesn’t mean that they should be ignored. By removing unwanted toxins from the skin a sauna can help out your liver and kidneys and, in fact, they can clear out your lungs too!