Today, the new treatment for skin is the infrared sauna instead of the traditional steam sauna. There are many health benefits to using infrared therapy including treating skin problems like acne. While some individuals won’t encounter this condition many people will at some stage in their youth develop acne. Acne can be an upsetting experience for the sufferer and it can lead to permanent scarring.

While an infrared sauna might not cure acne completely there are many reports of users finding their skin has improved dramatically while regularly using a sauna. You’re probably wondering how it works, well it’s actually quite simple; sweat. Sweating is powerful way to cleanse your body from accumulated toxins. Sweating opens pores forcing out clogging cosmetics and loosening dead outer skin. Infrared sauna therapy also allows increased blood circulation to carry great amounts of nutrients to the skin, thus promoting a healthy tone and texture and reducing swelling.

Before rushing out to purchase an infrared sauna we recommend visiting your local leisure facilities that normally provide access to one. This way you can make sure that sauna treatment is right for you.

McGraw/Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Dr. Masao Nakamura of the O & P Medical Clinic in Japan